Statement Tags

Statement tag classification is the task of classifying an utterance with respect to the function it serves in a dialogue, i.e. the act the speaker is performing. These tags can be configured to detect custom intents by giving example statements.

modelType Configuration

Example Request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header "Authorization: {{Insert Auth Token}}" \
--data-raw '{
        "txnId": "{{Insert txn ID}}",
                    "automatic_punctuation" : true,
                    "custom_vocabulary":["Marsview", "Communication"],
            "modelType": "statement_tag_analysis",
            "modelConfig": {
                "config": {
                    "statements": [

Example Response

"data": {
    "sentiment": [
                "startTime": 1390,
                "endTime": 2690,
                "speakers": [
      "similarityMatch": [
          "statementTagId": "statement-bxllq1zsuzkvuj44go-1636609624728",
          "statementTagName": "compliance-quality-check"
          "matchedTextList": [
              "score": 0.6180883955955505,
              "text": "This call is going to be recorded for quality purposes.",
              "value": "This call will be recorded"
      "sentence": "This call is going to be recorded for quality purposes."

Response Object

Last updated