Text Intent Recognition

The Intent Analysis model will help you capture semantics behind users' messages and assign it to the right label. It is designed to understand human conversation in the form or free text or spoken text.

API Request

Returns the predicted intent for a given phrases / sentences

POST https://api.marsview.ai/text/intent/get_intent

Query Parameters

  "status": true,
  "error": {},
  "data": {
    "similarityMatch": [
          "matchedTextList": [
              "score": 0.6180883955955505,
              "text": "Marsview is a great place to work",
              "value": "Marsview"
          "intentId": "intent-bxllq2f7hpkrvtyzi3-1627981197627",
          "intentName": "Marsview"
  "userId": "chandra.sekhar@marsview.ai"

Example Curl Request

Shown below is a code snippet to send a sample request for intent recognition

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.marsview.ai/text/intent/get_intent' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "jwtToken" : "Insert JWT token Key",
    "threshold": "Insert a desired confidence threshold",
    "intentIds": "Insert a list of intent IDs", 
    "sentences": "Insert your sentence for intent recognition",
    "userId"   : "demo@marsview.ai"

Example Response

Shown below is a sample JSON response from the above request.

  "status": true,
  "error": {},
  "data": {
    "similarityMatch": [
          "matchedTextList": [
              "score": 0.6180883955955505,
              "text": "Marsview is a great place to work",
              "value": "Marsview"
          "intentId": "intent-bxllq2f7hpkrvtyzi3-1627981197627",
          "intentName": "Marsview"
  "userId": "chandra.sekhar@marsview.ai"

Response Object

Last updated