Speech Insights (BETA)

Enable this model configuration to get useful conversational insights that can measure or help measure many of your KPIs.

This API is in BETA and will be provided on request. Please contact support@marsview.ai to enable this API.


Perform in-depth analysis of conversational data to visualize trends on topics, sentiments, keywords, and behaviors to achieve better outcomes.

Marsview provides a way to capture the engagement level of speakers in real-time. Additionally, you can track user sentiment and emotions along with engagement data.


For each conversation/file uploaded it returns the following


modelConfig Parameters

Example Request

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.marsview.ai/cb/v1/conversation/{{userId}}/compute' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header "Authorization:{{Insert Auth Token}}" \
--data-raw '{
        "userId":"{{Insert User ID}}",
        "txnId": "{{Insert txn ID}}",
                    "automatic_punctuation" : true,
                    "custom_vocabulary":["Marsview", "Communication"],
            "modelConfig": {
                "dead_air": {
                    "threshold": 3000

Example Metadata Response

        "dataInsights": {
            "meetingInsights": {
                "meetingSentiment": [
                        "sentiment": "Very Positive",
                        "value": 0.17777777777777778
                        "sentiment": "Mostly Positive",
                        "value": 0.15555555555555556
                        "sentiment": "Neutral",
                        "value": 0.6666666666666666
                        "sentiment": "Mostly Negative",
                        "value": 0
                        "sentiment": "Very Negative",
                        "value": 0
                "meetingEmotion": [
                        "emotion": "joy",
                        "value": 0.007523583540714161
                        "emotion": "optimism",
                        "value": 0.3097979975693039
                        "emotion": "anticipation",
                        "value": 0.2518085595231206
                        "emotion": "Misc",
                        "value": 0.2654667631228659
                        "emotion": "anger",
                        "value": 0.07488859308987789
                        "emotion": "fear",
                        "value": 0.08391689912610677
                        "emotion": "sadness",
                        "value": 0.00659760402801088
                "conversationStartTime": 1390,
                "engagementRatio": 0.9813153112221717,
                "keywords": [
                        "keyword": "will",
                        "frequency": 2
                "deadAir": 0.015454716272078131
            "speakerInsights": {
                "speakers": [
                "speakersTalktimePc": {
                    "-1": 0.007523583540714161
                "speakersTalktime": {
                    "-1": 1300
                "speakersMonologue": {
                    "-1": 13750
                "speakersEmotion": {
                    "-1": [
                            "emotion": "joy",
                            "value": 0.007523583540714161
                            "emotion": "optimism",
                            "value": 0.3097979975693039
                            "emotion": "anticipation",
                            "value": 0.2518085595231206
                            "emotion": "Misc",
                            "value": 0.2654667631228659
                            "emotion": "anger",
                            "value": 0.07488859308987789
                            "emotion": "fear",
                            "value": 0.08391689912610677
                            "emotion": "sadness",
                            "value": 0.00659760402801088
                "speakersSentiment": {
                    "-1": [
                            "sentiment": "Very Positive",
                            "value": 0.17777777777777778
                            "sentiment": "Mostly Positive",
                            "value": 0.15555555555555556
                            "sentiment": "Neutral",
                            "value": 0.6666666666666666
                            "sentiment": "Mostly Negative",
                            "value": 0
                            "sentiment": "Very Negative",
                            "value": 0
                "speakerAvgWpm": {
                    "-1": 163.55519043739972
            "transcriptInsights": [

                    "sentence": "I am currently attending Nicholas State University to complete my degree in secondary education with a focus on social studies.",
                    "startTime": 56180,
                    "endTime": 64779.999,
                    "speaker": "-1",
                    "topics": [
                            "tiers": [
                                    "tierName": "Education",
                                    "type": 1
                            "name": "Secondary Education"
                    "keywords": [
                        "Nicholas State University"
                    "speechType": "statement",
                    "speechTypeConfidence": 0.9999955892562866,
                    "sentiment": "Neutral",
                    "polarity": -0.041666666666666664,
                    "subjectivity": 0.2916666666666667,
                    "tone": "angry",
                    "toneConfidence": 0.7229840755462646,
                    "emotion": "optimism",
                    "emotionConfidence": 0.640371561050415,
                    "wordsPerMinute": 132.57355506454238


Response Objects

transcriptInsights List<Objects>

meetingInsights Object

speakerInsights Object

Last updated