Custom Statement Tags

Custom statement tag classification is the task of classifying an utterance with respect to the function it serves in a dialogue, i.e. the act the speaker is performing. These tags can be configured to detect custom intents by giving example statements.

API Request

Returns the predicted statement tags for a given phrases / sentences


Query Parameters

  "status": true,
  "error" : {},
  "data"  : {
    "similarityMatch": [
        "statementTagId": "statement-bxllq1zsuzkvuj44go-1636609624728",
        "statementTagName": "compliance-quality-check"
        "matchedTextList": [
            "score": 0.6180883955955505,
            "text": "This call is going to be recorded for quality purposes.",
            "value": "This call will be recorded"
  "userId": ""

Example Curl Request

Shown below is a code snippet to send a sample request for custom statement tag detection

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "jwtToken"       : "Insert JWT token Key",
    "threshold"      : "Insert a desired confidence threshold",
    "statementTagIds": "Insert a list of statement tag IDs", 
    "sentences"      : "Insert your sentence for statement tag detection",
    "userId"         : ""

Example Response

Shown below is a sample JSON response from the above request.

  "status": true,
  "error" : {},
  "data"  : {
    "similarityMatch": [
        "statementTagId": "statement-bxllq1zsuzkvuj44go-1636609624728",
        "statementTagName": "compliance-quality-check"
        "matchedTextList": [
            "score": 0.6180883955955505,
            "text": "This call is going to be recorded for quality purposes.",
            "value": "This call will be recorded"
  "userId": ""

Response Object

Last updated